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A member registered Jun 20, 2023

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My best run.

For anyone still playing the demo.. After playing this game for a while I figured out that the best endless build that scales even faster than the growing HP in endless is this build right here. Electric wand, lots of gems, a few relics, 4 loaded black mana stones that you can keep upgrading with regular mana stones, and lots of forge upgrades + golden whetstones. This build would grow stupidly strong if I continue but I am tired of the endlessness. The wand starting damage is 972 and the damage goes up by about 20 every hit from the stopwatch and rage. With the 4 black mana stones I can get in over 600 hits. This scales up like crazy. I finish all the battles in the first turn and actually only end up using one of the black mana stones. Haha totally overpowered. I love it! I was trying to do this with the assassins dagger but soon realized that this build is wayyy better. Here are some quick tips:

- Try to build a pack that can end your battles on the first turn.
- Builds with no armor are the best.
- The candle, stopwatch, windmill, and fly thing are great relics. The others are kind of useless.
- Have one heart gem for regeneration
- Black mana stones are vital
- Try to get a golden whetstone on the spin roulettes. Then buy as many as you can. Reload save game every time you fail. Eventually I stacked up 50 of them in this game.
- Dont save consumables (maybe just for the final boss). Just use them up every battle

- Well and practice makes perfect lol. This was a fun little game.